Predict Product Discontinuations with Disco Risk, Powered by NVIDIA


by Bedrock Engineering

August 28, 2024

Introducing Disco Risk: A new Bedrock feature for Predicting Product Discontinuations

Staying ahead of market trends and retail dynamics is crucial for all CPGs (consumer packaged goods). Bedrock Analytics is excited to unveil our latest feature: Disco Risk (Risk of Discontinuation). This innovative capability is designed to empower CPG brands with the ability to predict and visualize the risk of their products being discontinued by specific retailers.

Why Disco Risk?
Product discontinuations can be a significant threat to any brand, affecting not only hard fought shelf space but also brand blocks and market share. With Disco Risk, we’ve harnessed the power of NVIDIA’s cuDF to create advanced models that predict which products are at the highest risk of being pulled from shelves. This feature helps brands proactively manage their product portfolios, ensuring they can make informed decisions to mitigate risks. It can also be pointed at competitors to determine if their items should likely be discontinued by a retailer…

The Three Pillars of Disco Risk

Disco Risk Range:
Modeled after credit rating ranges, Disco Risk Range provides a clear, color-coded spectrum that indicates the level of risk associated with each product. A low score (similar to a low credit score for a consumer), signifies a high risk of discontinuation (or bankruptcy for a consumer), allowing you to quickly identify products that need immediate attention.

Disco Risk Clusters:
This scatter plot visualization allows users to explore the relationship between various metrics and their impact on discontinuation risk. By adjusting the x and y axes to different measures, you can gain a deeper understanding of how different factors contribute to a product’s risk profile. The visualization uses different colors and shapes to allow you to see clusters across the 5 different risk ranges.

Disco Risk Report:
Complementing the visual data, the Disco Risk Report is a detailed table that summarizes the key metrics and insights from the Risk Clusters. This report allows you to get a more detailed view of your risk score along with the selected measures from the Disco Risk Cluster visualization.

How It Works
Disco Risk leverages the computational power of NVIDIA cuDF to process large datasets quickly and efficiently, providing immediate risk assessments. NVIDIA GPUs are necessary to parallel process your large data sets. This integration ensures that your brand has access to the most up-to-date and accurate predictions, giving you the bleeding edge tools you need to stay competitive in the marketplace.

Empowering Your Brand
At Bedrock, we’re committed to providing the capabilities that help CPG brands turn complex data into actionable insights. With Disco Risk, you can confidently navigate the complexities of retail, ensuring your products remain on shelves and in the hands of consumers.

Ready to see how Disco Risk can work for your brand? Book a demo today and take the first step towards safeguarding your items.